
VIDEO – Blown and Body Dropped C10 Gets New Steering

Chris Hamilton . December 17, 2019 . C10 Builders Guide
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Finnegan’s Garage – This episode revisits the truck you’ve been asking me to work on all year long- my 1967 Chevy C10. This is the truck my friends and I built 10 years ago, that I sold right after it was running, and that I bought back a couple of years ago. My goal is to be driving it by spring time. Today I took a big step toward making that happen by finishing the steering system. Here is a breakdown of the parts and tools in this video:

Woodward Precision Power Steering -aluminum steering column Part# WOO-SCA500…

-steering column clamp Part# WOO-SBC80-1…

-quick disconnect Part# WOO-QRSN-1…

Firewall bearing mount Part# WOO-SBC6-2…

Steering U-joint Part# WOO-UA111109…

Grant GT Steering Wheel Part #GRT-338…

Fein Slugger 14-inch Metal Cutting Saw Part #: 72905361120…

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