
The Equalizer! by Ronnie Wetch of C10 Talk

streettrucks . July 20, 2022 . c10
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One of the things that’s so damn powerful about our trucks is how they can be such an equalizer! Think about it: Over the last year or so we have had so much tension from race, finances, vaccines, left or right, it goes on and on. (It’s more than I can ever remember, and it gets exhausting.) But the great thing about our C10 and classic autos is that they bring us together so we can leave all that crap behind. You might not be able to get away from it at work, at home, at wherever, but it all disappears at your local show, or C10 gathering, truck show or local cruise!

I dig when you go to a truck show where a six-figure truck is parked, and next to it or close by is a truck with far less value, holding its own. Behind a group of five or six trucks, a handful of people, buds, are all gathered around enjoying each other’s company, breaking bread, tossing a few back and talking trucks, C10 trucks! Not talking politics or portfolios.

Or another example: Say you’re walking out of your local grocery store and you see someone get out of a C10. I bet at the very least you are going to go over and say, “Nice truck!” (If you are like me, that’s just the start of it, haha!) Sometimes the conversion can last 1 minute, sometimes 30 minutes, talking about trucks, parts, upgrades, the next show, whatever!

Because of the popularity of our trucks, the community has gotten bigger and become a more diverse melting pot of enthusiasts.  I truly believe the community has superseded the trucks.

Because of the popularity of our trucks, the community has gotten bigger and become a more diverse melting pot of enthusiasts. I truly believe the community has superseded the trucks. Can that even be possible? Yes, it can! Because of people like you, the C10 community has a reputation: “The truck people are so inviting and welcoming!” You’ve heard me say it: “The trucks are cool, but the people are cooler!” And it’s all true, because of exactly that—the people and our community!

Think about the people you have met because of the metal, the relationships you have made and will continue to make as we continue to evolve. New owners will attend their first show, their first cruise, and from there be hooked—no politics, no black or white, no financials. Just fun.

So, I am asking you to pay it forward the next time you are out and see someone at the grocery store parking lot, at a show or cruise. Spread some C10 cheer and let’s keep this thing going for a long time.


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