
Tag: Final Word

C10 Builders Guide

The Final Word | Reset, Reflect and Remember

Think of 2020 as a Chance to Change Your Perspective Remember when you were a kid, and when you didn’t like the way your round… Continue reading

streettrucks . June 11, 2020

C10 Builders Guide

STAY THE COURSE! | Tips from Ronnie from C10 Talk

How long have you been working on your current build? Too long? Are you trying to find the balance between, “I have the time, but… Continue reading

Ronnie . December 26, 2019

C10 Builders Guide

The Final Word - Reminiscing on 5 Fun Years with C10 Builders Guide!

FIVE YEARS OF FUN—AND COUNTING A LITTLE OVER FIVE YEARS ago, the first C10 Builder’s Guide was on newsstands, and I can remember being so… Continue reading

Ronnie . November 12, 2019

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