
StreetTrucks’ 25th Year: Milestones and Memories!

Jason Ballard . July 03, 2024 . Department
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Info From an Industry Insider

This month I will skip the “can you believe it is already mid-year 2024” statement and jump right into the fact we are on the eve of StreetTrucks magazine hitting 25 years strong! StreetTrucks premier issue, August 1999, officially went on sale July 29th 1999. 

Checkout an excerpt from the original press press kit: “Welcome to the world of StreetTrucks magazine. StreetTrucks magazine will premier July of this year. It is a new cutting edge all encompassing magazine which is aimed at the true truck enthusiast. It will cover trucks ranging from light trucks, 4×4’s, SUV’s, compact and classic trucks. StreetTrucks, will be filled with informative articles and arresting new product releases.” In my mind, this publication has always been and always will be all encompassing.

In my mind, this publication has always been and always will be all encompassing.   

The hard working staff at StreetTrucks continues to push the limits and bring you a little bit of everything related to the custom truck world. As a reader from day one, 25 years ago, I ask that you please continue to support print. Re-up your subscription, which saves you money, and snag a couple copies from newsstands including our famous Builder’s Guides. Here’s to the next 25 years! Oh and don’t forget to subscribe to the Motortopia YouTube channel.

Until next month, don’t forget to check out Our Lifestyle Podcast (OLP).

Jason “ODB” Ballard.


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