
SEMA Show Education Prepares Aftermarket Businesses for Next-Level Success

Chris Hamilton . August 25, 2021 . Department
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The 2021 SEMA Show will include more than 100 industry-leading seminars designed to help businesses and employees succeed and advance their careers. Through the SEMA Show Education Program, SEMA Showgoers have an easy and cost-effective way to learn about new trends and topics, hear from top experts and presenters, and gain new skills and ideas, while already at the November 2-5 SEMA Show discovering new products, seeing custom vehicles, and meeting with business partners in Las Vegas.

“Attending the SEMA Show is an investment, particularly for small businesses that close up shop while they are away,” said Tom Gattuso, SEMA VP of events. “We work hard to provide Showgoers with the greatest possible return on their investment, and we are excited about this year’s SEMA Show Education Program.”

Included in the 2021 SEMA Show Education Program are tracks focused on, or targeted to, Automotive Electronics, Vehicle Builders, CEOs, Digital Marketing, and International Exports. This year’s program also includes a new Leadership track sponsored by the world-renowned Dale Carnegie Program, and the return of popular market segment-specific tracks presented in partnerships with the Industry Conference of Auto Collision Repair (I-CAR), Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS), and Tire Industry Association (TIA).

The SEMA Show Education Program makes it easy for Showgoers to participate and still have time to see new products and connect on the Show floor. Sessions begin on Monday, Nov. 1, the day before the SEMA Show officially opens, and includes offerings through Friday, Nov. 5.

The SEMA Show Education Program builds upon and brings a live, in-person element to the SEMA Virtual Education Program, which saw thousands of SEMA members participating since the pandemic began.

“For more than a year, the SEMA Virtual Education Program fueled the industry with great content and information, helping many through what may be the most challenging time in the industry,” said Gattuso. “The live, in-person education program builds upon the success we’ve seen through SEMA Virtual Education and features some of the most entertaining and knowledgeable industry experts.”

Featuring industry icons, celebrities, and top subject-matter experts, the SEMA Show Education Program is specifically developed for those working in the automotive specialty-equipment industry. Regardless of business type or job function, the seminars will help participants identify opportunities in the $47.89 billion industry.

To view the entire 2021 SEMA Show Education program, which begins the day before the official opening of the SEMA Show, visit

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