Not very many people can tell you the complete history of their ride, but Trent Briggs’ ’92 Chevy has pretty much always been around. He recalls the very first time it came into his family’s life: “My story with my truck began 25 years ago when my parents bought [the truck] brand new off the lot. I was 5 years old but can distinctly remember being there with them to pick it up and being excited since it was bright red and white factory two-toned. My dad used the truck for construction work throughout the years, and I even remember a time when round bales of hay were hauled in the bed.”
Saluting the C/K
By Chris Hamilton
October 12, 2020
The decade in which you grew up affects your relationship with CHEVY TRUCKS. Maybe your dad, grandpa or uncle had an older C10 model that was kept somewhat stock or had very minimal modifications made to it. More than likely, the odds of gramp’s truck being in stock condition would be more plausible than your pops keeping his ride free of accessories. Having an old pickup around really influences you as a kid and creates memories that stick around into adulthood.
However, if you were reaching driving age when the fourth generation of full-size Chevy pickups was being unleashed onto the public, right around the very late ’80s, you just might have a naturally stronger attraction to this new wave of truck style. The ’90s were on the horizon, and so was a new style of, well, everything. Aside from the “hip” new fashion and music trends, there was a new type of truck on the streets for cruising around with your friends. The evolution of the modern American truck had arrived.
Taking a truck from modified daily driver to something show worthy can be a hard transition for vehicle owners. Committing to take the whole build to the next level is usually not the issue—it’s more like remembering to take it a bit easier on the truck to maintain its pristine condition, which is what every show vehicle aims to be. read more
New projects sometimes have a funny way of materializing. For Matt Smith, the thought of another project came about after an unfortunate accident while photographing his previous truck for Street Trucks, a Chevy S-10 known as REDDWUD. read more
Life tends to take a few wild and unexpected turns from time to time, and so do careless drivers. Still, each obstacle that life throws out tests how we’ll handle adversity. Paul Rogers has met his challenges with perseverance and optimism. read more
It’s not difficult to see the benefits of owning an SUV. Copious amounts of secure cargo space and plenty of room for passengers are among the biggest, but one thing that can’t be ignored is that they look amazing when slammed! Jose Reyes had all of these things in mind when he went on the hunt for an SUV with which to haul his family to shows, and he really lucked out when he found this ’95 Chevy Tahoe for sale a few years ago. read more
Versatility is defined as the “ability to adapt to many different functions or activities.” In the world of custom trucks, most builds are targeted toward one specific end—but not versatility. For most enthusiasts, if their truck can look good on the show field, pull some hardware come trophy time and get a few thumbs up on the road, it’s been a good day. read more
1999 was a heck of a year for people who like rad stuff. “The Matrix” was released, Tony Hawk landed the first 900, the Yankees won the World Series for the 25th time and the “South Park” movie finally came out. There were some bad times, too, though. Pam and Tommy got divorced, Y2K had everyone in a panic, boy bands were everywhere and worst of all, the last two-door Tahoe rolled off the assembly line. We didn’t really know it at the time, but we were losing a legend. read more
Ever heard that old saying about painters never having the time to paint the house they live in? They work all day on other people’s places and never have the time to tend to the peeling, fading paint covering their own pad. Most professionals tend to slack when it comes to maintaining their own environment, but when you’re busy with everyone else, there doesn’t always seem to be a lot of time to take care of your own situation. The guy we have in mind is a painter, but he doesn’t work on houses. read more
Not very many people can tell you the complete history of their ride, but Trent Briggs’ ’92 Chevy has pretty much always been around. He recalls the very first time it came into his family’s life: “My story with my truck began 25 years ago when my parents bought [the truck] brand new off the lot. I was 5 years old but can distinctly remember being there with them to pick it up and being excited since it was bright red and white factory two-toned. My dad used the truck for construction work throughout the years, and I even remember a time when round bales of hay were hauled in the bed.” read more