
Lettor From The Editor | Chris Hamilton

Chris Hamilton . June 30, 2021 . Department
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Living the life and printing the passion!

As most relevant companies can attest, evolving with the landscape that surrounds the industry in which your demographic thrives is a mandatory process during day-to-day operations. As a media company in 2021, we can’t just stick to what we’ve been doing great for the last 21 years. We have to continue being great at print while learning and developing new and interesting forms of media to keep our audience entertained. It’s a delicate balance between quality and quantity, and we think we’re doing a pretty good job at keeping up with the pack.

In 2021, the team at Street Trucks is not only producing 21 independent publications based solely around the custom truck industry, but we are all also livestreaming at least 10 national events from around the country and even hosting three of our own “quality over quantity” show-and-shine events. By setting up at locations from coast to coast, these three events will cover the entire nation. The first event has already passed, but you still have time to make Stage 2 in Texas. A full detailed summary of this year’s event schedule can be seen on pages 120-122.

This issue is stacked with some really great feature trucks that are not only worthy of the best of show award but can also be seen driving down the road on any given weekend. We choose our feature trucks by having them pass a checklist with high standards and demanding criteria, but at the end of the day they must be drivers as our title suggests. We also dive deep into the wild world of vehicle wraps. We learned a lot, and we have a lot to talk about. You can catch that story on page 70. Hope to see you all this July in Texas for Stage 2 of the Street Truck’s Show Off Series. For more information head over to