Hello! I wanted to reach out regarding having a feature in your magazine. My husband’s hobby for restoring old cars and going to car shows has turned into a passion of his. His latest project has been his Old Blue Dually. His happiness comes through when speaking with and showing it off to other car enthusiasts. I have included his truck’s Instagram account @oldbluedually and my contact information. I really hope this is something you will take in consideration.
—Cory Barber
Hello to you Cory! When we read the words “Old Blue Dually” and “Instagram”, we were already grabbing our phone and started smashing the IG app. No disappointment there! Wow, that’s a nice build. Everyone should head over and see this project in progress! Can’t wait to see it complete, keep us updated! —ST
Working only on Saturdays for around two full years, this project was completed solely by six brothers, all from one family. My brother Steve, who owns the truck, worked tirelessly every Saturday while I was able to personally help out every other Saturday at best. A third brother, David, at whose property the truck was kept, was the second highest supporter of this project. We also used his tools!
Brothers Jack, Leonard and Martin assisted sporadically during this time, which we’re all grateful for. We are all in the age range of 51 to 68. We all grew up and had our own separate careers. But we all shared common love—trucks!
This is the first time as a team that we all joined forces to restore a vehicle. We never realized the talent we as a family possessed. This project has been so enjoyable for me personally, working and seeing my brothers on a regular basis.
—Benny Heredia
Benny, that’s an amazing story! How many times do you hear the age, location or tools excuse? All the time. You all teamed up to build an amazing truck. You should all be proud, and we would love to see some better pics! —ST
Brian Hagge wanted to make his son Collin’s upcoming 16th birthday one for the ages. He hatched a plan involving the purchase of a squarebody S-10 mini-truck and secretly driving it to Maggie Valley, North Carolina, for Southeastern Minitruckin’ Nationals. The plan was to inconspicuously stash it behind the Our Lifestyle Podcast booth for an unexpected Sunday surprise.
With the help of Greg Miller from Scrapin’ the Coast, Brian was able to secure a golden ticket to the sold-out 2020 Mini Nats just in time to sneak it through the gates. What resulted was a surprise his son would have never expected. Street Trucks was livestreaming on our Facebook page to interview Collin when his father Brian quietly drove the S-10 out to present it to his son! The scene was filled with joy including smiles and tears!
Josh Rowan of Rowan Conceptz was nearby and wanted to contribute to the project. He stepped up to do a rendering for the mini-truck, as you can see here. Follow Collin Hagge’s Instagram page @in.da.grass.photography for updates on Project High School HAUL’R, and head to the video section of the ST Facebook page to see the giveaway video. So, as they say on the OLP, Minis On Da RISE!
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