

Lhea Inzalaco . June 03, 2019 . Events
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Hundreds of Mini-Truckers Gather From all Over the World to Show Their Love of the Lifestyle

As April quickly approached, mini-truckers from all over the country, as well as Canada, felt the pressure of “FFF crunch time” in the days and weeks leading up to this impressive yearly event. Only the owners with the best-of-the-best rides receive the privilege of parking their passion in the grassy area, which has a rad view that overlooks the Colorado River.

For three strong years now, Avi Resort & Casino in Laughlin, Nevada, has opened up its prestigious community to allow Brian Goude and the entire Forbidden Fantasy Car Club to host one of the best mini-truck shows on the West Coast. We have covered each of these events, and throughout its three-year existence we have watched the show grow consistently into one of the must-attend custom truck events in the country.

Severed Ties and Negative Camber

When April 6 finally arrived, truck enthusiasts and long-time friends were reunited after another long year apart during which they continued to work on their builds. As we entered our hotel we noticed how fast the lobby was starting to fill with laughter and the clean, refreshing sound of airbags deflating as they rolled up to the valet. All around us legs and arms were stretched as the feeling of freedom rushed over everyone after a long, brutal drive in a project vehicle barely finished the night before. Some might think it’s crazy, but these lifelong wrenchers do it for the love of one thing we can all agree on, mini-trucks.

Online preregistration was only open for 36 short hours, but in that time the FFF show and all local hotel rooms had sold out, increasing anticipation of a great event. In 2017, registration totaled 325 hardcore enthusiasts, and that number has steadily increased to 360 preregistrations in 2018, to create the perfect amount of trucks to fill the Avi Resort. We predict continued growth for this well-organized event, thanks to the hard work and effort the Forbidden Fantasy crew puts in year after year.

Danny Strain, Relaxed Atmosphere, Idaho

Jason Thorbecke was livin’ the lowlife to its fullest all the way from Indiana to Laughlin.
Brett Oaks, Severed Ties, California, ’73 Chevy dually

What’s a car show without a beautiful K5 to look at.
Jeff Beckley and his Forbidden Fantasy friends posted up for a weekend of fun.

“We would like to thank the AVI Hotel and Casino for providing an amazing venue for our event and a special thank you to VIAIR for all their support. Our event is about quality not quantity, and we strive to provide a quality event for all of our attendees. Thank you to everyone that makes this event possible. A special shout-out to all of the Forbidden Fantasy members for the hard work.”—Brian Goude

This is the third year I had the opportunity of attending the VIAIR-sponsored show-and-shine, and I have to say, out of all the car shows I have had the privilege of attending throughout the last 15 years, this makes it in the top five must-go-to shows in the country. Support from sponsors like VIAIR, C10 Vatos and Switch Suspension, along with the backing of custom truck builders like Erica Duarte, Mike Hamilton and Jason Gray, make the magic happen, and Goude’s crew couldn’t possibly be more thankful. Without the extremely passionate fans and the incredibly supportive businesses that are involved, shows like this wouldn’t be possible.

Congratulations to Brian Goude on a third successful FFF show. We know there will be many more to come, and we insist on covering each and every event for the fans of this amazing community.

Stay up to date on Instagram by following the show
@FFF_Show and on Facebook for updates on the spring 2019 event coming next year.

Bobby Thompson, No Regrets, Arizona
Presenting sponsor for 2018, VIAIR

How low can you go?

“All around us legs and arms were stretched as the feeling of freedom rushed over everyone after a long, brutal drive in a project vehicle barely finished the night before. Some might think it’s crazy, but these lifelong wrenchers do it for the love of one thing we can all agree on, mini-trucks.”


  • Presenting Sponsor VIAIR
  • 360 Products
  • Hot Rides Mag
  • Sparkles Detail
  • Auto Revolution
  • Hammered Weekend Wear
  • C10 Vatos
  • Grindertv
  • Level Ride Suspension
  • Switch Suspension
  • Kustom Life
  • Slamd Mag
  • Krookid Photography
  • Event shirts by FUEL MRKT
  • DJ Madhouse FX

Choice Awards

  • FFF Canada Choice: James Chamberlain, No Regrets, ’65 Caddy
  • Sparkles Detail Choice: Dizkid Cardenas, Acrophobia, Toyota Tacoma
  • Female Mini Truckers Association Choice: Karen Moore, Relaxed Atmosphere, Toyota pickup
  • Hot Rides Mag Choice: Carl Kolling, No Regrets, ’95 Chevy S-10
  • Longest Distance (Driven): Jason Thorbecke, Lowdstar

VIAIR Choice Awards

  • Mikey Rosales, Severed Ties, 2013 Chrysler 300
  • Justin Benoit, ’17 Ford F-350

Best OFS

  • 4×4: Brian Chaves, Relaxed Atmosphere, ’17 Ford F-250
  • Compact Car: Aaron Hunt, Art of Noize, ’03 Porsche Turbo
  • Full-Size Car: Charged MotorWorks, Juan Rosalas, Severed Ties, 300
  • Wagon: Carolina Kustoms, Howard Waldrrep, Severed Ties, ’06 Mercedes Benz
  • Classic Car Presented by Clean Conceptsz: Corey Dunlap, Negative Camber, ’59 Buick Electra
  • Audio: Seductive Sounds, Munchies, No Regrets, Suburban
  • Engine: Carolina Kustoms, Chapt Andrews, Laid2Rest, ’58 Chevy chassis
  • Interior: Carolina Kustoms, Joey Gonzalez, ’72 Chevy Blazer
  • Suspension: Lowrider Depot, Jeff Popiolek, Severed Ties, ’90 Nissan Hardbody
  • Under Construction: @dedicated_sinners, Chuy Ramirez, ’69 Chevy C-10
  • Lowest: Hammerd Weekend Wear, Justin Taylor, Down to Earth ’93 Silverado Paint, Phat Paint Customs, Ross Logsdon, Sunset ’51 Ford F1
  • Graphics: Krookid Photography, Aarron Kittrell, Acrophobia, S-10 four-door
  • SUV: 4th Annual Show-n-Shine Supershow, Brad Bosman, Negative Camber, ’01 Ford Excursion
  • Classic Truck: Carolina Kustoms, Kaylie Davis, ’58 Chevy Apache
  • Full-Size Truck: Powersource, Brett Oakes, Severed Ties, Chevy C-10 crew cab dually
    Mini-Truck, Alex Who?, Jamie Wood, No Regrets, ’96 Tacoma
  • Best of Show:, Bradley McFarlin, ’84 Chevy C-10
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