WHEN WE SET OUT TO BUILD THE FLO-100 (our 1962 Ford F-100 SEMA build), we wanted it to stand out in a crowd and do something a bit different. Creating a visually appealing concept that is different than the rest takes a bit of time, vision and sometimes even luck. We happened to come across a company called All Real Gold on Instagram and saw its unique “Copper Paint,” which sparked the idea to really go all out. In the past, a lot of people would send their parts to the chrome shop and say, “Just put the copper on it.” The issue with that is that over time the copper starts to tarnish, and different types of material end up different shades of copper plating so it’s extremely hard to get all of the accent pieces to match properly.
Luckily the engineers over at All Real Gold came up with a urethane product that is applied over chrome to give you a similar effect. The plus side is that it never tarnishes, and using the proper process and clear coat, it will outlast most other coatings.
We chose to go with the All Real Gold Copper finish on the build, and it really brought it to life. All Real Gold also offers Gold and Rose Gold color finishes along with aerosol cans for the DIY’er. If you have the ability or know a good shop, quart kits are available for professional use. The application process is very straight forward. In the meantime, follow along to see the magic unfold on FLO-100.
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