
’68 Ford F-100 | A Rad, Red Ford Named Kebee!

Adam Johnson . February 15, 2021 . America
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’68 Ford F-100 A Rad, Red Ford Named Kebee!

Life happens, and then you adjust. In 2017, life happened to Brian Mclaine, and he had to sell his Ford Ranger mini-truck. As life was becoming normal again, Brian needed something to work on. A big fan of Fords, it was only natural he began to search for another one. Sometimes in your search, you never find what you are looking for. It just so happens that his brother had an old F-100 he had hung onto since they were teenagers. After trading for a motorcycle, Brian found himself owning a ’68 Ford F-100!

After getting the truck home, he began the transformation. Starting with an ’06 Crown Victoria as a donor, the frontend was swapped over and Airlift 2500 Dominator airbags were installed. The rear setup began with a C-notch, four-link and a Watts link, and was finished with another pair of airbags. The final step on the suspension was installing the Velocity 20×9-inch rims with Lexani LX-Twenty 245/35R20 tires.

Red ’68 Ford F-100Brian bought the Crown Vic for the front suspension, but it just so happened that the 4.6-liter V-8 engine and transmission were still good.

So, Brian and his buddy Paco pulled the engine and installed it between the frame rails of the truck. Along with his wife Amber helping him build a custom crossmember so that things were done right. After two months of figuring out the wiring harness, Brian was finally able to fire up his engine. A lot of engine dress up, and it was ready for show and go.

Brian, who owns his own paint shop, was ready to show off his talents. After making the body perfectly straight, he put down the bright Urechem Red Hot paint and plenty of clear. Then wet-sanded and buffed it to a deep shine.

Red ’68 Ford F-100 with TMI interior Last on the list was the interior. Brian contacted TMI for a set of custom-wrapped bucket seats in black leather with red stitching, a custom-made center console and door panels, all covered and stitched to match.

Brian has built a beautiful Ford F-100 that stands out in a crowd. He named it “Kebee,” in honor of his dad, Glen, also known as “Kebee.” When asked, Brian said he had a lot of people to thank for their help in building his F-100.

After making the body perfectly straight, he put down the bright Urechem Red Hot paint and plenty of clear, and then wet-sanded and buffed it to a deep shine.

“I would like to thank my dad in heaven, Glen Ullman, for teaching me how to work on vehicles. My wife Amber Mclaine, my mom Linda Ullman, my brothers Glen Ullman Jr and Richard Ullman, Jack Miller, Darrell Poe Jr., Jazz Mickey, and Chris Wilson. Without the encouragement of these people, I could not have done this. Thanks, and love to you all!”

Red ’68 Ford F-1004.6-liter V-8 engineF100 Builders Guide

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