
2025 Is Almost Here: Gear Up and Get Organized for Your Projects

Jason Odb Ballard . December 20, 2024 . Department
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Street Trucks enthusiasts, can you believe we are on the dawn of 2025? The year 2025 will mark 10 years past the year that Marty McFly traveled to the future (2015) in Back To The Future II. I can still vividly remember 1999 and the big scare related to the year 2000 a.k.a. Y2K. WOW, time flies! Anyway, in my last column I recommended spending time with your family and loved ones over the holidays. Now that we are on the verge of another quarter century, my feedback is for you to get your projects in order.

If you have parts or rides sitting around that could be sold to help fund your “main project”— get to posting some online classifieds. Not only could those parts and/or rides help bring in some funds, but there is something to be said about decluttering and streamlining the herd of projects. I recently sold my ’79 C30 Chevy dually. I didn’t ever want to sell it, but I had to come to grips with the fact that other projects need attention. Checkout Yeah Buddy Garage for more on the ’79 as Josh is taking great care of my old dually.

Until next month, keep pushing forward on your projects and don’t forget to check out Our Lifestyle Podcast (OLP) for more truck-inspired content.

Stay On Da Rise!

Peace, Jason ODB.


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