
2023 Orange Beach Invasion – FULL COVERAGE!

Mike Self . September 05, 2023 . Department
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Spring Break Done Right

For the sixth year in a row, Orange Beach Invasion failed to disappoint, showing what a proper truck show should be. Held at The Wharf in Orange Beach, Alabama, the event held fast to its by-approval-only participant mandate, which automatically disqualifies squatted trucks. Those who were lucky enough to be chosen for premium registration enjoyed spots that were right on the main wharf walkway, giving spectators an amazing and relaxing view of the show’s hottest rides.

The event is a celebration of all things trucks, from lifted and customized rigs to classic and vintage lowered haulers. In addition to the trucks on display, the show featured tons of vendors and a variety of activities for the whole family. And, of course, there were tons of non truck-related things to do as well since The Wharf always has plenty of its own attractions, such as a ferris wheel, a movie theater, plenty of shopping, and tons of food.

Orange Beach Invasion is a great way to see some of the best trucks in the country and is definitely worth traveling to. This year, the show featured more than 1,000 trucks from all over the Southeast, and with the show getting bigger every year, it may have even more next year—if they can find the room!

Whether you have a baller truck to show off to the masses or just want to get some inspiration for your dream build, if you’re looking for a fun and exciting weekend in the Gulf Coast, be sure to check out the Orange Beach Invasion. The show is held every year during Spring Break and, as always, it’s sure to be a blast!


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